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Config.Cfg Cs 1.6

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Config.Cfg Cs 1.6

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cfg Config Cfg Cs 1 6 Download 1 SvdownloadingameConfig Cfg Cs 1 6 Download The CónfigConfig.. T drejtat e autorit jan t rezervuara, sipas dispozitave ligjore n fuqi n Republikn e Kosovs.. Default This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game.. It may cóntains some commands fróm the for exampIe, which are associatéd with some kéys from the kéyboard for easy óf use during thé game. Click


nam cfg Config Cfg Cs 1 6 Download 1 SvdownloadingameTo return t your default cnfiguration just type xec.. If you encounter problems to config file execution, be sure that the path where it is placed is HLDScstrikename.. The game is loading initially all those parameters from the config cfg file which is loaded when the game starts.. Ne ju kerkojm ndjes website esht ne rregullim e siper shpresojm qe shum shpejt gjdo gje te jet ne rregull, ju faleminderit per vemendje. HERE


Cfg Cs 1 6 Download The CnfigDownload the cnfig file cpy it into cstrik folder and whn you connect t the server consoIe type exec. HERE

config meaning

The command which loads a config file is exec name cfg where name can have any value.. config cfg fastsprits 1 fpsmax 999 fpsmodem 999 glmaxsize 256 rdrawviewmodel 1 rdynamic 0 rmirroralpha 0 rmmx 1 developer 1 clrate 9999 clcmdrate 11 clupdaterate 11 rdecals 0 clshowfps 1 mpdecals 0 svallowupload 0 svallowdownload 1 svdownloadingame 0 clweather 0 hudfastswitch 1 netgraph 3 developer 1 cllc 1 cllw 1 rate 9999999 clcorpsestay 0 viewsize 0 svairaccelerate 200 mpflashlight 0 svmaxupdaterate 9999999 svmaxrate 9999999 svminrate 0.. Pr t prdorur nj configs, vetm vn at n cstrike hyni n CS hapeni panelin (conzolen) aty ju shkruani llojin n tastier. 0041d406d9 Click

config file